@echo off set TRANSLATE=ru.nls set RUND=%~d0 %RUND% cd %RUND%\boot\magos\windows cls echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= call :t_echo Welcome to MagOS boot installer echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= echo. call :t_echo This installer will add Grub4dos loader to Windows Vista/7/8/10 loader. call :t_echo On boot you will be promted which OS will be booted. echo. if not exist C:\Windows\System32\bcdedit.exe goto setp2me if not exist %RUND%\boot\grub4dos\magos.ldr goto setp2me Set BCDEDIT=C:\Windows\System32\bcdedit.exe net session >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto NotAdmin call :t_echo Press any key to continue or kill this window to abort... pause > nul cls call :t_echo Setting bootloader ... %BCDEDIT% /create /d "MagOS Linux" /application bootsector >%TEMP%\grub4dos.id for /F "delims={} tokens=2" %%i in (%TEMP%\grub4dos.id) do set guid=%%i echo GUID = {%guid%} %BCDEDIT% /set {%guid%} device partition=%RUND% %BCDEDIT% /set {%guid%} path \boot\grub4dos\magos.ldr %BCDEDIT% /displayorder {%guid%} /addlast call :t_echo Done. Check files and reboot. Press enter. :endofall pause exit 0 :t_echo set TMES=%* if exist %TRANSLATE% for /f "eol=# tokens=1,2* delims=,@" %%i in (%TRANSLATE%) do if "%TMES%"=="%%i" set TMES=%%j echo %TMES% exit /b 0 :setp2me call :t_echo Error: Binaries are not found. Place boot folder in root of drive and run script from this drive. goto endofall :NotAdmin call :t_echo Error: Run script as administrator. goto endofall